API Reference

To prevent abuse, our APIs are rate-limited. The specific limits depend on the version of the API you are using.

Summary of the limits:

EndpointMax Requests per Second (RPS)
GET /v1/api/person5
GET /v1/api/company5

Below you will find more details about the limits of each API.

Limits for the v1 APIs

For the v1 API endpoints, the person and the company endpoint (GET /v1/api/person and GET /v1/api/company) is rate-limited. It allows 5 requests per second.

What happens if I hit my rate limits?

If you exceed your API rate limits, your requests will be met with an error response indicating a 429 HTTP status code. This means you have exceeded the maximum number of requests allowed in a second. However, you need not worry as you can make new requests after a short waiting period, of no more than a few seconds.

Can I increase my rate limits?

Sorry, you won't be able to increase your limit for now.